Pregnancy and Hypertension, Things You Need to Know

The relevancy and seriousness that this topic demands cannot be overstated. As pregnancy being one of the most complicated phases of women, the complications need to be well categorized in the most understandable forms. This blog will only and only deal with some important things you need to know about the hurdle of hypertension during pregnancy. Preeclampsia, a potentially serious and in some cases fatal pregnancy complication related to hypertension, is reported to be 8-10 percent in Indian pregnant women. Also 7.8 are the percent of pregnant women who suffer from hypertension disorders in India. Now, as the statistical seriousness of the issue is also established, following are some important things to know about high blood pressure during pregnancy. How normal hypertension is different from pregnancy induced one? Pregnancy induced hypertension is the increase in blood pressure that is recorded freshly in a previously normal pregnant women. This hypertension is induced...